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Serving Foster, Adoptive, Relative and Non-Relative Caregivers throughout Tampa Bay

If you are a foster parent, relative or non-relative caregiver, adoptive parent, or interested in caring for children in Hillsborough County, we are here to help. Learn more about what we offer and how we can assist you by looking around our website or visit us as a guest during one of our monthly meetings.

HCFPA's Mission & Vision

Our Mission is to train, support, and advocate for foster parents, adoptive parents, and relative/non-relative caregivers.


Established in


HCFPA Members


Partner Agencies


Annual Events


Benefits Include:

  • Training (Meets CE Requirements)
  • Member Only Events
  • Giveaways
  • Respite Care Network
  • And much more!

Annual membership is only $30.00/year per family (expires December 31st) and includes all the training, member only resources, and access to a great community to support you and answer your questions.


Great Resources

It pays to be a member! SAVE MONEY: As a caregiver, we give you an insider’s guide to where you can get free or discounted products and services. SAVE TIME & ENERGY: When you need personal help, you have multiple ways to get help from other parents who have been there and done that and when you need to escelate your concerns to decision makers, we help you get in touch them them too. When you become a member you’ll get immediately access to our Member and Community Email to get you connected with the help you need.

Our Community Partners